Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So that just really happened.

So tonight's been interesting. Got sent to a quiet part of town to pick up a fare. I pull up and notice two people outside talking, a guy and a girl. She's pretty decent, I'd say a hard 7 on the classic 1-10 scale. So I roll down my window and ask if they called a cab. She answers in the affirmative and climbs in.

I ask her destination and she says she doesn't really know, but points me in the general direction of one of the major streets in town. She calls someone on her cell phone to get directions. She set it to speakerphone so I could here the destination, which he blurts out, and then adds "I can't wait for you to get here so I can lick the hell out of your nipples."

She quickly takes him off of speakerphone and tells him he was on speakerphone, and they talk for a little bit while I'm driving, about what, I don't know, I had a good laugh but then decided to respect her privacy.

But wait, there's more! She finishes her very short conversation with the guy, hangs up, and starts talking to me. I really wish that I could have gotten this conversation caught on tape, it was that bizarre. She starts talking about some show she wants to do that's a variation on a cable tv game show that takes place in a taxi. However, she would only ask one question. I can't recall the exact question, but here's the gist of it, would you(the contestant), be into her wearing a strap-on cock and letting her fuck you in the ass. My inner voice just shouted WTF. Then she decided to show me her mascot for the show, and proceeded to pull out a huge plastic cock. Then she starts prattling on about she just loves to fuck guys in the ass, and that she is always looking for guys that are into that sort of thing, strongly hinting that she hopes I'm a new playfriend.

I don't know what to say, I'm just kind of sitting there wondering where Rod Serling was when you truly needed him. I did manage to ask a few questions, but I can't honestly remember what I said, I just wanted to keep this girl talking, this shit was pure gold. I do remember her saying that she wouldn't use that huge monster in her hand the first time, it's much easier to start out small and work your way up. She also mentioned that she had a lot of lube, and would love to use it. By then we were close to her destination, and I asked her if the nipple locker was into this sort of thing. She said she didn't want to talk about anybody's private business, but yes, she was traveling across town to cornhole this gentleman. We get there and he's waiting for us, and he's one ugly little dude. So either she's really, really onto fucking guys in the ass, or she's getting paid for it. Not sure which it is, but as I mentioned earlier, she was pretty easy on the eyes, and the disparity between his looks and hers was pretty remarkable.

So he paid her fare, and I drove down the block and cleared the drop with dispatch. Now, I know people are into all kinds of freaky things, and I'm of the belief that what goes on between two consenting adults is cool. No, the part that amazed me was that within minutes of meeting this woman she decides to just lay it out there on the table like that with a total stranger. Whatever, I hope those two had a freaky good time.

Judging by the size of that strap-on though, I do feel sorry for his ass though. Ouch!

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